Saturday, 5 January 2008

I've got worms!!!

Woodworms that is! Whilst we were laying wooden boards in the loft we found two beams that had been munched on by the little suckers. So now that's another job to treat all the wood in the loft. Current list of things to do in the loft...

1 Board out the loft round chimney - done
2 Open roof around chimney, demolish chimney a meter or so, re-close roof
3 Open boards again to treat woodworm
4 Board out whole loft for removing the roof tiles/upper beams
5 Company comes to put on new frame, 'under-roof', roof plates, fascias and gutters
6 Open boards one last time to insulate
7 Not go in the loft again for at least a year

Let there be light

Finally the electric company pulled their finger out and came to re-connect the electricity. So now we can at last use power tools, work later with the lights on, make coffee, listen to the radio etc.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Hmmm, it's possible that Koen is getting a little bit obsessed with collecting fire wood...'s going to be a warm winter!

Stairway to heaven?

The paper and slip rails covering the stairs have now been removed and they are actually less slippery than before. In time they will be painted white and have fitted carpet and the room underneath will either be half open with a coat cupboard or will have new doors fitted to use as built in storage.


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